
Sustainability professionals, academics and organizations from all around the world applied social simulations and games in their areas of activity.

Read their stories on the G4S blog.


Sustainability professionals, academics and organizations from all around the world applied social simulations and games in their areas of activity.

Read their stories on the G4S blog.

Latest posts

Block by Block

Minecraft – Block by Block

Did you know that you can use Minecraft for more than a simple fun? Learn about great Block by Block initiative for community participation in urban design.

Learn for Sustainability

Learn for Sustainability with this online source

We have the pleasure to introduce our readers to a Learning for Sustainability portal, that has cumulated sustainability resources for more than 10 years.

Games for Sustainability Festival

"Games for Sustainability" Festival

It would be great to have games festival solely focused on sustainability and ecology. And guess what? There is such festival in Poland.

virtual reality

Can virtual reality help sustainability

With various VR devices appearing this year, many say that virtual reality is the future of gaming. Can VR also be a future for sustainability?

Climate Challenge

Link for today: Climate Challenge from Games for Change

Climate Challenge – win by creating a game helping to achieve an understanding of a human role in the climate change.

online competition

Can online competition be good for us?

Online competition, when used right, will be a way better tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals than any dry lecture.

Evacuation challenge

Evacuation is a challenge for all

There are many obstacles on the road to safety. But the Evacuation Challenge Game is just the right tool to help you realize them.

World Water Day

Games at the World Water Day

We believe, we can reinforce the key messages of World Water Day 2016 – “Better water, better jobs” – using serious games.

Even children can change the world if given a chance

Children can change the world!

Games for Change has now created a place where students can become designers of educational tools in Students Challenge.

Sustainable business management

Difficult road to sustainable business management

We still have a long and difficult road to reach our sustainable goals, particularly in the business sector.

Game-based learning

Link for today: Game-based learning vs. Gamification

Many people are confused about the difference between gamification and game-based learning.  

Girls who Code

Link for today: Girls who Code

Girls who Code is a great initiative to encourage women and girls all around the globe to polish their skills in computing science.
