Disaster management. Board game. About 30-60 minutes. Simplified picture of traffic management during an evacuation. Children education in extreme event preparations. Children education in extreme event preparations.
Disaster management. Card game. About 15-30 minutes. A game mainly aimed at training young children on how to respond to a threat. Children education in disaster management and preparedness.
Water control. Flash game. 30-60 minutes. Players have to figure out how to be successful in managing a river catchment and creating a sustainable and thriving economy. Workshops about water contol.
Water control. Smartphone game. About 15-30 minutes. The Game combines elements of the natural water cycle with the challenges of balancing water use between various water consumers including the river mouth, wetlands, farms, towns and cities. Suitable to be used as part of school lessons.
Disaster preparedness. Smartphone game. About 30-60 minutes. Guide a child called Sai Fah through typical scenarios that arise during floods as he tries to find his mother. Training in improving awareness level.
Climate change. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Upstream-Downstream focuses on climate-related information in decision-making at the community level. Decision-making training.
Disaster management. PC game. About 15-30 minutes. Plan and construct a safer environment, assess the disaster risk for the environmental disaster hazards, while attempting to limit the damage when natural hazards strike. Children education on disaster management.
Enivironmental policy. Flash game. About 15-30 minutes. Different aspects of sustainable house development and sustainable town planning. Materials for children education.
Global warming. Flash game. About 15-30 minutes. Choose between different technologies and policy options, from increasing solar power and reducing the use of coal, to asking the citizens to simply turn down the central heating. Educational material in schools, universities.
Disaster management. Board game. About 30-60 minutes. The role disaster risk management plays in a nation’s development. Materials for conferences, for students.