Global Calculator

Global Calculator

Related SDGs:

Global Calculator is a complex yet user friendly web-based model of the world’s energy, land and food systems that allows you to explore the options for reducing global carbon emissions to 2050. Having a rigorous scientific background, this scenario testing model not only allows you to play around with different pathways to 2050, but also serves to educate you on climate related subjects.


Set the 40 levels that influence global emissions in Lifestyle, Technology and Fuels, Land and Food sections in a scale of 1 to 4 or select any of the example pathways.

Learn the detailed information available for each level if interested.

Check the cumulative emissions of your pathway.

Check warnings that inform you of any problems regarding your pathway.

View how your pathway compares to others.


Climate change mitigation.


A serious tool that gives science-based insights into which technological, lifestyle and land and food related choices have the biggest potential to reduce emissions.

The model serves to educate in all the climate related subjects in a form of simple, yet informative explanations, scientific references, and data overview.

Great tool to show that a low carbon future is possible. It means that the world can eat well, travel more, live in more comfortable homes, and meet international carbon reduction commitments at the same time.

It is a completely open source if you are interested in learning more about the underlying model and assumptions.


More useful information and tools available:

Global Calculator website:

DECC website:



Free for non-comercial purpose.

Number of players

1 player

Number of moderators

no moderator


30-60 minutes


As is the case with global models they can not include all the possible elements and yet be simple to use and understand. Also, the assumptions may always be questioned. Few examples of what the model is lacking. It’s a global model that does not show information on climate equity or the distribution of mitigation efforts, wealth or improved lifestyles. Neither does it take into account the costs or benefits of a warming climate, nor the co-benefits of mitigation action, such as improved air quality.

Technology cost estimates are largely based on historic prices for the US and no account is taken of the economies of scale from wide deployment of particular technologies. Price effects and supply and demand interactions are ignored.

How to run this game?

To play the game go to the game’s website.

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