Sustainability professionals, academics and organizations from all around the world applied social simulations and games in their areas of activity.
Read their stories on the G4S blog.

Sustainability professionals, academics and organizations from all around the world applied social simulations and games in their areas of activity.
Read their stories on the G4S blog.
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Closing the gap between science-based approach and end users in disaster risk management
European countries have one of the highest numbers of deaths caused by disasters in the world. According to the European

Serious games – engaging citizens in understanding complex societal issues
Available data indicates a low level of civic education in high schools, but even more concerning is that Poles do

Using social simulations to turn business ostriches into lions in the strive towards a sustainable economy
When faced with the impending disaster of climate change, we can either adopt the policy of an ostrich, a fox, or a lion. An ostrich pretends nothing is happening. A fox only cares for itself and furthers its interests by way of deceit. A lion takes responsibility for the entire animal kingdom and deals with the problem head-on.

Confrontations and discussions for Disaster Risk Reduction governance
DRR is about making political choices to reduce disasters. It’s also about defining priorities, stakeholders’ roles and attributing limited budgets.

How to Enhance Social and Emotional Learning through Games
Classroom-based learning is one of the main ways to teach children emotional and social skills. Technology is changing the way we earn things today.

Experiencing the making of climate policies with CliMates
“You are never too small to make a difference.” – are the words of Greta Thunberg, who started to go on school strike to protest against the inaction with regard to the climate crisis which is ahead of us.

Perspectives on serious game development from a beginner: The challenge of finding the flow
Having played a lot of different types of games, I thought I was well-prepared to do game design. Game design turns out to be harder than I expected.

Water Games for World Water Day 2019
SDG 6 focuses on the task to “ensure availability of water for all”, but around 183 million of the global population lacks basic drinking water services.

Exploring the complexities of migration in Bury me, my Love with The Pixel Hunt
The term migration comprises a wide variety of movements and situations that involve people from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Combining SDG 4 and SDG 8 in the game box Ökonopoly with ALWIS Saarland
Why not combine both SDG 4 and SDG 8 in a playful experience for students to learn about economic aspects? The Ökonopoly does exactly that.

The Nordic way – How to discover the joy of learning via a game-based approach
How can we follow the Nordic way and immerse students in playful learning?To answer this question, I decided to interview the developers of the New Shores.

Can we avoid a catastrophe?
The IPCC report released in October 2018 is “…like getting a troubling diagnosis from your doctor.”. So what is the diagnosis? 12 years to a catastrophe.