
At least 66% of the Paris Agreement signatories include nature-based solutions (NBS) to help achieve their climate change mitigation and/or adaptation goals. There is thus a growing recognition that NBS – here defined as solutions inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience (European Commission 2020) – can help provide viable solutions to a broad range of societal challenges. Among others, NBS can contribute to reducing natural hazards and establishing climate resilient societies. However, to realize their full potential, NBS must be mainstreamed into local, national, and international governance regimes, including regulatory and financial procedures, as well as into risk management, land use, and spatial planning strategies. Socio-ecological simulations, or serious games, are a participatory process where a group of participants collectively explore a complex reality and complex challenges. They have been shown to be very effective learning tools that can serve as participatory tools, and support understanding of essential governance issues, including sustainable development, climate change mitigation and disaster risk reduction (Solinksa-Nowak et al., 2018). The PHUSICOS NBS simulation represents a fictional setting (PHUSICOS region) at risk from extreme weather events and in which different stakeholder groups are represented.


Browser based online, chat driven negotiation simulation.


Developed for the PHUSICOS project. The PHUSICOS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 776681.


  • The tool simulates the governance setting in which NBS solutions are discussed and negotiated amongst stakeholders who have varying interests and worldviews.
  • Role playing enables players to experience a situation where often opposing worldviews and goals are represented.
  • Participants leave their comfort zone and step into someone else’s shoes.
  • Socio-ecological social simulations, or serious games, are a participatory process where a group of participants collectively explore a complex reality and complex challenges.


Free for non-commercial use

Number of players

more than 10 players

Number of moderators

1 moderator


1-2 hours


Technical requirements

1 computer 

  • Technical requirements:
  • An internet connection – broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE)
  • Speakers and a microphone – built-in or USB plug-in or wireless Bluetooth
  • Power outlet


  • Supported browsers:
  • Windows: IE 11+,  Edge 12+, Chrome 30+
  • Mac: Chrome 30+
  • Linux: Chrome 30+


For moderator we recommend using 2 screens. 

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