Disaster Dynamics

Disaster Dynamics: Hurricane Landfall

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Disaster Dynamics: Hurricane Landfall is a four-player virtual strategy game about the interaction between natural hazards and human decisions. In particular, the game focuses on urban development and land use planning in a coastal community exposed to hurricanes and other storm hazards.


Players are assigned roles: hotel manager, the local resident, the local shopkeeper, or vacation resident.

Each player’s job is to represent the interests of his or her respective citizens in the small city while participating in collective decisions about how to improve the city.

There are three rounds in the game, each round represents a particular event in the city’s history.

Each round begins with a briefing that explains the scenario for that round, the problems players face, and the resources they have available

The round ends when all the proposals have been voted on, or when the players run out of the budget.


Created to support disaster management training.


Understanding the city’s current situation and available options for future change.

Submitting proposals for consideration by other players.

Negotiating with other players to find acceptable compromises.

Communal decision-making without consequences.


Free for non-comercial purpose.

Number of players

2 - 10 players

Number of moderators

no moderator


30-60 minutes


Technical requirements

computer with Flash 7 or above and internet connection

How to run this game?

To run/play this game download it from the game’s website.

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