Policy making process. Online game. 2 hours and more. Build successfull policy and survive as a regent of your own state. Education in policy making process.
Policy making process. Online game. 2 hours and more. Cyber Nations is a free browser-based nation simulation game. Education in policy making process.
Disaster management. Board game. About 30-60 minutes. The game helps players to understand what a natural disaster is and what actions can be taken to reduce the impact of disasters. Education material.
Shadow dynamics. Board game. About 30-60 minutes. The policy of the country is strained constantly, day after day, by systematic corruption that seems to be here to stay. Educational material.
Shadow dynamics. Card game. About 30-60 minutes. Satire on dynamics of power and power abuse in democratic country politics. Lessons on the importance of money in the contemporary politics.
Environmental policy. Board game. 2 hours and more. Environmental and social influence on the regional economy and economy as a whole. Training in cooperation.
Disaster management. Card game. About 15-30 minutes. A game that gives players many opportunities to have fun while learning about natural disasters and disaster management. Educational material for children and students.
Disaster management. Card-driven. About 30-60 minutes. Survive random disasters as they appear in the Scenario deck. Educational material for children and students.