Biodiversity. Mobile and PC. Multiplayer. 1-2 hours. Climate Game is an interactive online game that sets you on a quest to conquer a virgin island covered by green trees and thick forests. Strategic and leadership skills.
Peace and justice. PC game. Strategy. 2 hours and more. Cities: Skylines is an interesting computer simulation game focusing on city building and management.
Cities and communities. Policy exercise. Simulation. 2 hours and more. The main goal of the simulation is to reform country’s waste policy. Training material for politicians and environmental and industry representatives, students.
Peace and justice. Simulation. 30-60 minutes. The game gives players a chance to play as Israeli and Palestinian leaders and work for balance and mutual understanding between nations. Education in policy making process and decision-making under uncertainity.
Climate change. Policy exercise. Simulation. 2 hours and more. Simulation which enables the participants to find out how their decisions affect on the global climate system in real time. Training in simulationa and decision making.
Sustainable consumption. Browser-based. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Decision game that recreates dilemmas connected with harvesting common-pool resources. Workshops and courses connected with the idea of sustainable management of common-pool resources.
Sustainable consumption. Browser-based. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Decision game that recreates dilemmas connected with harvesting common-pool resources. Workshops and courses connected with the idea of sustainable management of common-pool resources.
Disaster prepardness. PC game. 1-2 hours. The game focuses on important and possibly life-saving safety and preparedness skills in face of hurricane. Educational material for schools.
Monetary policy. Simulation. 2 hours and more. Players act out the role of a central bank in a simple virtual economy. Education in monetary policy making, training in planning and decision making process.
Politics. PC game. 2 hours and more. Government in Action is an online multiplayer game where players can develop US policy by acting as Congressmen. Education in US policy.
Shadow dynamics. Card game. About 30-60 minutes. This game lets players become construction company owners who bribe various government officials for lucrative building contracts.