Water. Water pollution. Flash game. 30-60 minutes. During the games, users will learn how lake health is closely related to the concentration of the nutrients phosphorous and nitrogen in the water.
Health issues. Flash game. 1-2 hours. Reduce negative outcomes of the diseases spread throughout the world in the last 100 years because of the climate change.
Oil. Flash game. Strategy. Less than 15 minutes. Manipulate the whole world with your godly powers: bring on natural disasters, wars, destroy governments and the world economy to change the oil’s price.
Disaster risk. Mobile and PC. Multiplayer. 1-2 hours. Interactive online game that introduces players to the sustainable management of natural resources, and how important are internal agreements and trust in order to achieve this goal. Strategic and leadership skills.
Biodiversity. Mobile and PC. Multiplayer. 1-2 hours. Climate Game is an interactive online game that sets you on a quest to conquer a virgin island covered by green trees and thick forests. Strategic and leadership skills.
Sustainable consumption. Browser-based. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Decision game that recreates dilemmas connected with harvesting common-pool resources. Workshops and courses connected with the idea of sustainable management of common-pool resources.
Sustainable consumption. Browser-based. Simulation. 1-2 hours. Decision game that recreates dilemmas connected with harvesting common-pool resources. Workshops and courses connected with the idea of sustainable management of common-pool resources.
Biodiversity. Mobile and PC. Multiplayer. 2 hours and more. Role-playing simulation game that takes place in the valley of the river exposed to unexpected droughts and floods. Training in risk management, strategy development, decision making, conflict resolution, collaboration.
Disaster prepardness. PC game. 1-2 hours. The game focuses on important and possibly life-saving safety and preparedness skills in face of hurricane. Educational material for schools.
Monetary policy. Simulation. 2 hours and more. Players act out the role of a central bank in a simple virtual economy. Education in monetary policy making, training in planning and decision making process.