
AWQA Water

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The players’ role is to test water for pollution. During those tests, users will learn how lake health is closely related to the concentration of the nutrients phosphorous and nitrogen in the water and the effect of high nutrient concentrations on unhealthy algae growth. They will also learn about the affects of fertilizer run-off, faulty septic systems, animal faeces droppings, soil erosion from shoreline disturbances and algae decomposition’s consumption of oxygen and ensuing iron and hydrogen sulphide release.


Prepare your worksite.

Test water samples for low, moderate and high levels of contaminates obtained from a picturesque lake setting.

Follow specific procedures for each of the four contaminates: nitrate, phosphate, iron and sulphate pollution.


Water pollution.


Players learn about the connection between concentration of the nutrients and unhealthy algae growth.

Players discover the effects of fertilizer run-off.

Players understand how soil erosion from shoreline disturbances affect lake health.

Players learn about causes of iron and hydrogen sulphide release.


Free for non-comercial purpose.

Number of players

1 player

Number of moderators

no moderator


30-60 minutes


Technical requirements

computer with web connection

How to run this game?

To play the game go to the game’s website.

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2 thoughts on “AWQA Water

    1. Dear Tama, it seems that AWQA Water is no longer available under the old link. We will try to find new working link!