
Catchment Detox is an online game where players have to figure out how to be successful in managing a river catchment and creating a sustainable and thriving economy. Players need to decide which activities need to be undertaken – whether to plant crops, log forests, build factories or set up national parks. Users need to consider environmental problems and try to avoid them to provide food and wealth for the population.

The game is a huge challenge for players. After the game, they can compare their results using internet scoreboard.


It’s an online game where the player manages a virtual river catchment.

The game goes for 100 turns and the player makes as many changes to the landscape as  she/he likes before taking their next turn.

The aim is to create an environmentally happy catchment with a sustainable and thriving economy.


Managing river catchments.

Target group


Catchment Detox gives a first-hand experience of how difficult it is to manage our river catchments.

Created by


Free for non-comercial purpose.

Number of players

1 player

Number of moderators

no moderator


30-60 minutes


Technical requirements

computer with web connection and Flash 9

How to run this game?

To play the game go to the game’s website.

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