Climate Change Education. Web game. 1-2 hours. Collaborate to build green infrastructure, reduce carbon footprints, and adapt to climate-related challenges such as rising sea levels and natural disasters.
Sustainable Development Goals. Web-based online game for mobile and computers. 1-3 hours. Your team will take care of social, financial and environmental issues of Magnolia, Rosa or Triland.
Decent Work and Economic Growth. Analog game with tokens and cards. 2 hours. Five economic experiments with themes ranging from price setting in a market to trading between nations.
Peace and Justice. Board game simulation. 2 hours and more. In the Human Security Challenge players face crucial trade-offs between long-term stability and short-term national interests.
Sustainable cities. Board Game. Social Simulation. 1-2 hours. The Cultural Memory Game draws on the concept of cultural memory as the key factor contributing to community resilience.
Quality Education. Card game. 30-90 min. Learn how to integrate sustainability practices in schools, both in operations and in the classroom with Sustainability in Schools.