
Player plays as official at Grestin Border Checkpoint in fictional communist country Arstotzka.


Every day, the player has to check out as many people as possible, for every person player get a specific amount of money.

Every day, after work player has to decide what to do with earned money – buy food, medicine for himself and his family or pay electric and heating bills.

Everyday player faces off different morality issues such as immigrants begging for pass etc. The player has to decide if he will stay loyal to the communist party and Astrozka or will he become a corrupted official, or will he choose another path – helping only those in need.


Communist system satire.

Target group


Understanding communist system.

Various moral issues.

Development of observation skills.


Honored at Games for Change Awards.

Created by


The game costs about 10 $.

Number of players

1 player

Number of moderators

no moderator


2 hours and more

Technical requirements

Core 2 Duo 1.5 GHz, 2 GB RAM

grafic card 256 MB (GeForce 6800 or better)

100 MB HDD

Windows XP/Vista/7 or above

How to run this game?

To run/play this game go to the game’s website or check its availability in games stores.

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