
NationStates is browser game that lets player create their own nation and dictate its politics.


Players create their nations by answering questionnaire about their views on economy, civil rights and political freedoms. They name their new nation etc.

Twice a day players are faced with another question in regards of automatically created issue. Players can answer the questions with one of the listed answers or choose to dismiss the problem.

Every choice has effects, even if not  immediately obvious.


Created as a government simulation.

Target group


Training in decision-making under uncertainty.

Training in policy making process.

Creating one’s own nation.

Observing outcomes of choosing different systems of government.

Observing interactions between government and citizens.

Understanding cause-effect connection.


Site was created to promote Max Barry’s book. The game itself is based on a premise from author’s book Jennifer Government.

Created by


Free for non-comercial purpose.

Number of players

1 player

Number of moderators

no moderator


2 hours and more



Registering on official webpage is necessary.

Technical requirements

computer with web connection

How to run this game?

To play the game go to the game’s website.

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