Policy making process. Online game. 2 hours and more. Build successfull policy and survive as a regent of your own state. Education in policy making process.
Policy making process. Online game. 2 hours and more. Cyber Nations is a free browser-based nation simulation game. Education in policy making process.
Shadow dynamics. Flash game. Less than 15 minutes. Playable version of the essay “Conspiracy as Governance” by Julian Assange. Education on conspiracy and shadow politics.
Disaster preparedness. Flash game. 15-30 minutes. Players go through different locations to find what they need for an emergency kit. Children education.
Disaster management. Flash game. Less than 15 minutes. The game to engage young people in raising their awareness in emergency situation. Educational material for children.
Water control. Flash game. 30-60 minutes. Players have to figure out how to be successful in managing a river catchment and creating a sustainable and thriving economy. Workshops about water contol.
Disaster management. PC game. About 15-30 minutes. Plan and construct a safer environment, assess the disaster risk for the environmental disaster hazards, while attempting to limit the damage when natural hazards strike. Children education on disaster management.
Global warming. Flash game. About 15-30 minutes. Choose between different technologies and policy options, from increasing solar power and reducing the use of coal, to asking the citizens to simply turn down the central heating. Educational material in schools, universities.
Energy policy. Flash game. About 30-60 minutes. experiment with different technologies and ideas about the city development and energy production. Educational material for children and students.