Food Import Folly

Food Import Folly

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Food Import Folly
Food Import Folly
Food Import Folly 1
Food Import Folly 3
Food Import Folly 2
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Food Import Folly 1
Food Import Folly 3
Food Import Folly 2

In this game created by Persuasive Games for The New York Times, you take on the role of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) inspectors in a world of increasingly numerous food imports and increasingly unmanageable risk. Protect your country and do not let any contaminated food cross the border. The task will get harder and harder as food import shipments number is increasing but FDA personnel and resources are remaining roughly constant.


Food imports arrive by boat or truck at ports all around the country. The containers contain different food import (fish, vegetables, fruits, meat, and spices). Inspect the containers before it leaves the port. You have two FDA inspectors. The inspection might take some time. Some foods are contaminated. If one of them enters the country, you risk citizens’ health. You can have one of your inspectors to determine what kind of food caused it. If you have three active alerts at the same time the game will end.


Food import, supply chain

Target group


Players understand that increased food import might affect many areas, including health.

Players realize that limited resources might pose a great risk for all.

Players understand that food import is constantly increasing resulting in many problems.

Created by

Number of players

1 player

Number of moderators

no moderator


15-30 minutes


How to run this game?

To play the game go to the game’s website.

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