
The Future Game®: Simulation Learning

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The Future Game® is a dynamic workshop process. Collaborating in teams, you will make key strategic decisions for a hypothetical region over a 20-year period. Responding to a series of difficult choices, you arrive at one of a range of critically different futures. The game debrief allows you to learn from your decision-making approach and assumptions.


  1. Participants are divided into teams of five people. Each team is given a base map of the imaginary region. The game ill depict the next 20-year of the region’s development.
  2. The game has 5 stages. At the beginning of every stage teams are given scenarios of events. Players in teams must then discuss the topics and make critical decisions to deal with the problem. 
  3. At the end of every stage, teams are presented with the next map showing the results of their decisions.
  4. At the end of the whole game participants have already decided the future of their region and can observe their previous decisions’ outcomes.


Future iQ®’s unique Future Game is a premium quality future planning simulation tool. It provides stakeholders with a dynamic Gaming experience rewarding collaboration, innovation and teamwork. An in-depth debrief at the end of the game enables participants to apply the learning from the Game to their own decision making and planning.


  • highlights the importance of careful planning in assisting organizations to awaited future
  • recognises the most important factors in region policy making process: social, environmental, and economic factors
  • increases skills in collaborating, cooperation and debate
  • stimulates strategic future thinking and planning, and integrates external trends to local decision-making.
  • teaches how decisions that seem sensible in the short-term, may have the potential to play out in unpredictable ways
  • trains in leadership and management

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Number of players

more than 10 players

Number of moderators

1 moderator


1-2 hours


Maps, printouts with informations


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